What happens when a ninja meets a bear?

In this Mokuroku, you'll discover our mission and values.

As a studio passionate about games and technology, our desire is to transform our boldest creative visions into reality, inviting you to immerse yourself and engage with these worlds.

Our games will be crafted without constraints, embracing the time needed for their development and release, free from the pressures of investors, deadlines, fans, or executives.



Check out our latest game and technology releases

Currently, we don't have anything available.
Please check back later.



You might have a hard time tracking us down right now.
We're a bit short on space and products, but keep an eye out for some t-shirts and merch coming to raise money.
However, if you're feeling generous, you can always buy our team a coffee. We're mostly hanging out in the capital of SP.
Hit us up on our socials if you wanna chat!



This is our team

Kaio 'Krandom' Teoi

Our genius.

Rafael 'padise' dos Reis

The dead weight.

Tyago 'ErathunFist' Teoi

The Strategist.

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